Order Verification

PexUniverse.com is committed to protecting against credit card fraud. Therefore in our attempt to minimize fraud PexUniverse.com reviews all the orders that have different billing and shipping address. Our team will notify if your order is held in our system, by requesting additional information such as, copy of the credit card used, as well as the purchaser's license. Please take a photo or copy of your license and credit card, and send it via email (sales@pexuniverse.com) or Fax (800-818-3211).

We understand that it can be uncomfortable to send sensitive information over the internet. Here are some steps you can take to be sure that your information reaches us safely.

  1. Place your credit card and license on a table or sheet of paper side by side

  2. Cover the first 12 numbers of your credit card except for the LAST FOUR DIGITS.

  3. Make sure that expiration date, cardholder's name, and issuer (such as bank, store, or airline) are visible.

  4. Make sure that we can see your name and address.

  5. For a corporate credit card, the authorized company personnel may provide their information.

Please see our example on how to comply with our verification request:
